Monday, January 29, 2007
{ 6:24 AM on '' }
it's extremely strange, isnt it, how a few moments after the minute of silence some people immediately start chattering away and laughing like nothing ever happened. i may not have known her but it's almost as painful seeing the expressions of the people who did.
i guess this is a wake up call for all of us. rest in peace and God bless you.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
{ 1:31 AM on '' }
nyp yesterday was good. and no, i didnt end up going alone thanks. im totally digging fik's new look. it's so travis-inspired hahaha. anw i LOVED his acoustic version of my love. he (almost) sounded better than justin. oh and i loved one last too. that song brings up tons of bukit gombak and hype memories hahaha. and last night was the first time in a really long while that i was truly impressed by his vocals. at one part of i dream his voice reached a pitch that i've never in my whole life heard before. amazing.
i think i'm like a weirdo magnet. they've been coming up to me and talking nonsense! first was mr banglaman who should just get a life and this morning it was this old malay man who asked me about school (i was in uniform) and telling me stories about his friend whose funeral he'd just attended. like seriously. all i could do was nod at appropriate moments.
omg i cant wait for survivor finale. so exciting. i hope no one bursts my bubble and tells me the winner before friday after i've survived so long without finding out. GO OZZY. WOO WOO.
ok whatever i dont actually have anything to say. incoherent much.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
{ 5:00 AM on '' }
fuck it i'm still bitter about muse ahaha. i've been reading reviews and some accounts sound shit scary. people getting dragged away cos they couldnt breathe, people getting trampled on, people getting their clothes torn. and people who've been to tons of concerts like this who were actually doubting that they'd be able to leave fort canning alive. wtf right. so i guess not being able to go was a blessing in disguise? on the other hand despite all that these people had the time of their lives man. even people who got stuck at the back had a fucking good time. so conclusion? dian, we should've just bought the damn tickets from sistic.
i [and the rest of of 412] love ss and colman chua! :D i swear, i've never been so politically enlightened.
cle card thing: if you were walking down the street and saw someone who looked exactly like you, how would you react? me: i'd be horrified la duh. like omg my evil twin! nicole: yea i would be damn freaked too. it's quite scary right. -silence- me: erm nicole, tabbi looks exactly like you. nicole: oh yeah.
like how on earth dyou forget that you have a twin.
anyway i cant reply on my tagboard [is it just me or is it everyone?] so here goes.
has: alamak lembab ah lu. william hung's alive people! end of story. amer: eh damn paisey right in the end the workplans werent of much use. -.- nyahaha. and ditto to the william hung thing. kesian, dapat rumours tak maintain sey. amer's sister [haha am i supposed to call you kak amylia?]: why am i giler! look who's talking man. :D
Monday, January 15, 2007
{ 7:12 AM on '' }
1. i'm sick of school. 2. the most exciting thing in my life is like, watching survivor. cos ozzy is damn hot. and johnathan's such an asshole and i like assholes. 3. i hate [everything about] my cca. 4. i love it that sec threes are gone for obs. i hope they come back with millions of sandfly bites. no offence. 5. i want more kinder surprises with COOL toys! -hinthint :D 6. i'm really not doing well with the whole abstinence from food thing. in fact, the more i think of it the more i ignore it and binge. friends arent helping. ): but then again im such a bitch why would anyone do me favours anyway. 7. i wish i could write like friend does. who cares if it's like emo shit, his english damn power. i've can learn about 5 new words every time he posts. 8. amelina's being stupid and not doing her workplan, therefore neither am i but i should and so should she. 9. i cabbed to school today, and it's only been 12 days of school! maybe i should stop relying on my mum as my alarm clock 10. i'm sick of school.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
{ 4:09 AM on '' }
i cant decide if i should seriously consider not going to rj. i mean you have to admit that all the stuff ms lim talked about actually makes a lot of sense. being in rp doesnt mean you belong in rj. if you end up there only to realise that you're miserable and suffering, what's the point? but then again, the reason why ms lim brought up the alternative to enter another jc is that in rj everyone's a genius so you cant shine. but if you go to another jc, say nyjc for instance, then you have a chance to stand out, especially since you'd probably end up being the only rg girl there and apparently being an rg girl is a big deal. in my case however, i doubt i would "stand out" in some other jc either, because i'm just stupid like that and i honestly think that at least 1/3 of any jc population is smarter than i am. i have no idea if i'm considering another jc because ms lim is getting to me, or if it's really for my own good. maybe i should just stop thinking about it and bust my ass off in rj. it's just bugging me that if i dont give some other jc a shot and end up in rj i would regret it for the rest of my life.
okay i'll stop being such a dramaqueen now and go do something productive.
Friday, January 05, 2007
{ 5:40 AM on '' }
i'm annoyed, there's absolutely nothing exciting happening.
so school sucks. like what else is new. new seating arrangements, i sit at the bloody front and dora and yiyun are nowhere nearby. that's a tad sad. just a tad of course. haha. but there's still has and ruiling woo we can all sleep together in class. oh wait. i'm not supposed to do that am i. ah well whenever i'm lost in like math or sth i can always turn around and get help from like. valerie and tabby.
oh yes, apparently our chem eoi at the end of term one is inclusive of like the two topics we're gonna learn PLUS sec3 shit like acids bases salts, CALCULATIONS, QA, etc. fuck? i am so not passing chem again, really. one more fucking year before i kiss chemistry goodbye.
i hate school. maybe it's just that i havent gotten used to waking up at 530, climbing up four freaking storeys, looking out for prefects, being the oldest batch in school and other shitz like that. oh but wait, there's more to come! tests and pts and truckloads of assignments and worksheets! my oh my, isnt school like, totally fun?
Monday, January 01, 2007
{ 7:00 AM on '' }
this is bothering me. i was on the bus today, looking out to the cars driving past. the weird thing is, i could've sworn i saw fik in his car! it stopped at the red light so i stared at it for about three seconds before computing that: 1) the yawning driver looked EXACTLY like fik. in green tshirt and shades. 2) the car was black. 3) the car was a honda. 4) the car was big. i thought it was a seven-seater, but amer says a honda crv is a five-seater. but it's a BIG five-seater. aha!
haha whatever. i'm such a freak.
L A S T 1. Person(s) you hung out with? my mum? ha. ha.
2. Person you rode in a car with? my mum, my uncle.
3. Person you went to the movies with? dian, ani, nurul, izzah.
4. Person you went to the mall with? my mum, again. woo i'm such a family person.
5. Last person that made you laugh? dora on the phone discussing our not-meant-to-be prison break marathon.
6. Person you cried about? cant remember the last time i cried.
7. Person you texted? yiyun.
8. Person you hugged? huh. umm. probably kak atiqah after the esplanade performance hahaha.
A N S W E R. T R U T H F U L L Y.
1. Do you like anyone? no i hate the world.
2. Sun or moon? moon. sun's like too damn bright. but moonlight is actually light from the sun anyway right. yea whatever.
3. Winter or Fall? let's see. snow or falling leaves? snow la duh.
4. left or right? whichever?
5. 10 acquaintances or 2 bestfriends? whichever? best friends i guess. or not. whatever.
6. Sunny or rainy? SUNNY I HATE THE RAIN.
7. Vanilla ice cream or chocolate icecream? both. but honestly i prefer vanilla.
1. Kissed someone? nope. i'm innocent like that.
2. prayed? NO LA NO.
3. been hugged? nope. nobody likes me everybody hates me i'm gonna eat some worms.
4. felt stupid? always do, my friend.
5. missed someone? YES I MISS FIK.
6. danced crazy? erh. nope.
9. lied? probably. i realise i'm quite an avid liar. but no worries, white lies! yea right.
R A N D O M. Q U E S T I O N S.
1. Have you ever been searched by thecops? dont think so. told you i'm innocent.
2. Have a Dog? nope. i would if i could. paul anka!
3 When was the last time you went sleding? let's see. umm. NEVER.
4. Would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone? is it me or is this question weird. depends i guess.
5. Do you believe in ghosts? maybe.
omggggg i'm boring myself to death.
Monday, January 29, 2007
{ 6:24 AM on '' }
it's extremely strange, isnt it, how a few moments after the minute of silence some people immediately start chattering away and laughing like nothing ever happened. i may not have known her but it's almost as painful seeing the expressions of the people who did.
i guess this is a wake up call for all of us. rest in peace and God bless you.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
{ 1:31 AM on '' }
nyp yesterday was good. and no, i didnt end up going alone thanks. im totally digging fik's new look. it's so travis-inspired hahaha. anw i LOVED his acoustic version of my love. he (almost) sounded better than justin. oh and i loved one last too. that song brings up tons of bukit gombak and hype memories hahaha. and last night was the first time in a really long while that i was truly impressed by his vocals. at one part of i dream his voice reached a pitch that i've never in my whole life heard before. amazing.
i think i'm like a weirdo magnet. they've been coming up to me and talking nonsense! first was mr banglaman who should just get a life and this morning it was this old malay man who asked me about school (i was in uniform) and telling me stories about his friend whose funeral he'd just attended. like seriously. all i could do was nod at appropriate moments.
omg i cant wait for survivor finale. so exciting. i hope no one bursts my bubble and tells me the winner before friday after i've survived so long without finding out. GO OZZY. WOO WOO.
ok whatever i dont actually have anything to say. incoherent much.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
{ 5:00 AM on '' }
fuck it i'm still bitter about muse ahaha. i've been reading reviews and some accounts sound shit scary. people getting dragged away cos they couldnt breathe, people getting trampled on, people getting their clothes torn. and people who've been to tons of concerts like this who were actually doubting that they'd be able to leave fort canning alive. wtf right. so i guess not being able to go was a blessing in disguise? on the other hand despite all that these people had the time of their lives man. even people who got stuck at the back had a fucking good time. so conclusion? dian, we should've just bought the damn tickets from sistic.
i [and the rest of of 412] love ss and colman chua! :D i swear, i've never been so politically enlightened.
cle card thing: if you were walking down the street and saw someone who looked exactly like you, how would you react? me: i'd be horrified la duh. like omg my evil twin! nicole: yea i would be damn freaked too. it's quite scary right. -silence- me: erm nicole, tabbi looks exactly like you. nicole: oh yeah.
like how on earth dyou forget that you have a twin.
anyway i cant reply on my tagboard [is it just me or is it everyone?] so here goes.
has: alamak lembab ah lu. william hung's alive people! end of story. amer: eh damn paisey right in the end the workplans werent of much use. -.- nyahaha. and ditto to the william hung thing. kesian, dapat rumours tak maintain sey. amer's sister [haha am i supposed to call you kak amylia?]: why am i giler! look who's talking man. :D
Monday, January 15, 2007
{ 7:12 AM on '' }
1. i'm sick of school. 2. the most exciting thing in my life is like, watching survivor. cos ozzy is damn hot. and johnathan's such an asshole and i like assholes. 3. i hate [everything about] my cca. 4. i love it that sec threes are gone for obs. i hope they come back with millions of sandfly bites. no offence. 5. i want more kinder surprises with COOL toys! -hinthint :D 6. i'm really not doing well with the whole abstinence from food thing. in fact, the more i think of it the more i ignore it and binge. friends arent helping. ): but then again im such a bitch why would anyone do me favours anyway. 7. i wish i could write like friend does. who cares if it's like emo shit, his english damn power. i've can learn about 5 new words every time he posts. 8. amelina's being stupid and not doing her workplan, therefore neither am i but i should and so should she. 9. i cabbed to school today, and it's only been 12 days of school! maybe i should stop relying on my mum as my alarm clock 10. i'm sick of school.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
{ 4:09 AM on '' }
i cant decide if i should seriously consider not going to rj. i mean you have to admit that all the stuff ms lim talked about actually makes a lot of sense. being in rp doesnt mean you belong in rj. if you end up there only to realise that you're miserable and suffering, what's the point? but then again, the reason why ms lim brought up the alternative to enter another jc is that in rj everyone's a genius so you cant shine. but if you go to another jc, say nyjc for instance, then you have a chance to stand out, especially since you'd probably end up being the only rg girl there and apparently being an rg girl is a big deal. in my case however, i doubt i would "stand out" in some other jc either, because i'm just stupid like that and i honestly think that at least 1/3 of any jc population is smarter than i am. i have no idea if i'm considering another jc because ms lim is getting to me, or if it's really for my own good. maybe i should just stop thinking about it and bust my ass off in rj. it's just bugging me that if i dont give some other jc a shot and end up in rj i would regret it for the rest of my life.
okay i'll stop being such a dramaqueen now and go do something productive.
Friday, January 05, 2007
{ 5:40 AM on '' }
i'm annoyed, there's absolutely nothing exciting happening.
so school sucks. like what else is new. new seating arrangements, i sit at the bloody front and dora and yiyun are nowhere nearby. that's a tad sad. just a tad of course. haha. but there's still has and ruiling woo we can all sleep together in class. oh wait. i'm not supposed to do that am i. ah well whenever i'm lost in like math or sth i can always turn around and get help from like. valerie and tabby.
oh yes, apparently our chem eoi at the end of term one is inclusive of like the two topics we're gonna learn PLUS sec3 shit like acids bases salts, CALCULATIONS, QA, etc. fuck? i am so not passing chem again, really. one more fucking year before i kiss chemistry goodbye.
i hate school. maybe it's just that i havent gotten used to waking up at 530, climbing up four freaking storeys, looking out for prefects, being the oldest batch in school and other shitz like that. oh but wait, there's more to come! tests and pts and truckloads of assignments and worksheets! my oh my, isnt school like, totally fun?
Monday, January 01, 2007
{ 7:00 AM on '' }
this is bothering me. i was on the bus today, looking out to the cars driving past. the weird thing is, i could've sworn i saw fik in his car! it stopped at the red light so i stared at it for about three seconds before computing that: 1) the yawning driver looked EXACTLY like fik. in green tshirt and shades. 2) the car was black. 3) the car was a honda. 4) the car was big. i thought it was a seven-seater, but amer says a honda crv is a five-seater. but it's a BIG five-seater. aha!
haha whatever. i'm such a freak.
L A S T 1. Person(s) you hung out with? my mum? ha. ha.
2. Person you rode in a car with? my mum, my uncle.
3. Person you went to the movies with? dian, ani, nurul, izzah.
4. Person you went to the mall with? my mum, again. woo i'm such a family person.
5. Last person that made you laugh? dora on the phone discussing our not-meant-to-be prison break marathon.
6. Person you cried about? cant remember the last time i cried.
7. Person you texted? yiyun.
8. Person you hugged? huh. umm. probably kak atiqah after the esplanade performance hahaha.
A N S W E R. T R U T H F U L L Y.
1. Do you like anyone? no i hate the world.
2. Sun or moon? moon. sun's like too damn bright. but moonlight is actually light from the sun anyway right. yea whatever.
3. Winter or Fall? let's see. snow or falling leaves? snow la duh.
4. left or right? whichever?
5. 10 acquaintances or 2 bestfriends? whichever? best friends i guess. or not. whatever.
6. Sunny or rainy? SUNNY I HATE THE RAIN.
7. Vanilla ice cream or chocolate icecream? both. but honestly i prefer vanilla.
1. Kissed someone? nope. i'm innocent like that.
2. prayed? NO LA NO.
3. been hugged? nope. nobody likes me everybody hates me i'm gonna eat some worms.
4. felt stupid? always do, my friend.
5. missed someone? YES I MISS FIK.
6. danced crazy? erh. nope.
9. lied? probably. i realise i'm quite an avid liar. but no worries, white lies! yea right.
R A N D O M. Q U E S T I O N S.
1. Have you ever been searched by thecops? dont think so. told you i'm innocent.
2. Have a Dog? nope. i would if i could. paul anka!
3 When was the last time you went sleding? let's see. umm. NEVER.
4. Would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone? is it me or is this question weird. depends i guess.
5. Do you believe in ghosts? maybe.
omggggg i'm boring myself to death.
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