Showin' how funky strong is your fight.
Saturday, February 02, 2008
{ 11:00 PM on '' }

Because I Love Brighty...

Don't you hate how we Never take pictures during our outings? Especially one of Liza's face when she read the note. The expression was Priceless. And no pictures with/of Cikgu and Kak Guy. ): Truth (or dare) was erm Interesting though. Haha.

So the original Brighty is no more, but the legacy lives on. Cheyyyy. Screw new format, you guys are going to Kick Ass regardless. And new additions to the team are Good (I'm sure Cg would be beaming with pride if he read this. Which I hope he won't.) so no problem at all! Hehehehehe So Excitingz worxxx.